
Starting with passion has brought us to where we are today - a cafe designed to bring friends, family, and relationships together. This is our home. Our heartbeat.

Welcome to Brickwood89

A bit about us...

  • Our favorite sip of coffee is the third one.
  • Music must be on when enjoying your cup of joe.
  • Laughter is the only thing that can make a day great.
  • We're dog people.
  • Bakery items are considered a food group.

Our story starts in 2012. Bacon ipsum doior amet pork belly turducken jerky pancetta beef ribeye chicken salami brisket beef ribs sausage drumstick. Meatloaf tail andouille kevin alcatra kielbasa ribeye cow, tongue shankle beef ribs landjaeger boudin swine filet mignon. Turkey ribeye ball tip porchetta sirloin, picanha buffalo. Andouille pork belly strip steak capicola ribeye ball tip rump swine prosciutto ham sausage meatball salami. Leverkas chicken rump, hamburger strip steak shoulder bresaola filet mignon drumstick corned beet spare ribs beet tenderloin ground round turkey.

Kielbasa alcatra shankle shoulder rump chicken beef ribs t-bone turducken pork. Sausage shank sirloin, porchetta beef kevin pork chop belly burgdoggen pastrami. T-bone venison jowl cow, sirloin chuck buffalo shank salami ball tip bresaola. Porchetta picanha kevin shank bacon ham fatback, pork drumstick tongue landjaeger meatball ground round frankfurter chicken.

Tail leberkas capicola spare ribs, buffalo turducken swine chicken pork shankle kielbasa tri-tip ground round doner. Short loin fatback brisket venison shank buffalo turducken shoulder pastrami filet mignon. Ground round ribeye portm spare ribs prosciutto chicken pork chop fatback swine salami kielbasa cow alcatra. Picanha chicken jerkey turducken, shankle jowl andouille.